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How can you influence your children positively?

1.       Be a good model to them. We need to admit that as parents we really influence our kids whether it is positively or negatively. Children copy parents how we act, talk, dress and how we handle any circumstances. They learn most of this to us parents. We parents (family) are the first person who is with them all throughout their childhood. I remember one time my three years old son always saw me using my body spray and gel before going to work. Then one Friday morning while we are preparing for a church service, I saw him putting some gel in his hair and he smiled at me and ask me if he can use a little of my gel and body spray. That’s make me smile though. I then think if I am a good model for my kids? What if they saw me drinking or smoking (though I’m not use to it)? In this incident, now I more careful in everything I do when my kids are watching me. I will make sure that I will be a good role model to them. But not only for us parents but for all who is with the children, like our grandparents, siblings, uncles or even his nanny.

2.       Walk the talk. Many times we as our kids to do things, but we as parents, we forget to follow what we are told to our children. We are so good at lecturing our kids, but not a really a good role model to them. One time my sister keeps telling his 2 daughter not to fight for each other.  But in the back of my mind, how can my sister tell that if they are fighting in front of us. Sometime we don’t notice it at all but it’s really hard to follow when you yourselves do it in another direction.

3.       Good Relationship. In 1Corinthians 15:33 – Do not be deceived: “Evil company corrupts good habits.” That’s the law of relationship. If there’s a good relationship the greater the influence. It means that if we are not close to our children how we can positively influence them. Being biological parents doesn’t mean automatically you have a good relationship. Sometimes our kids find it in another person or friends. That’s why it is important to build up a good relationship to our children. I remember in my childhood days, I had this high school friends who are used to smoke and drinks. One time he invited me to try, but I said it's a big No. Why? It’s not because I don’t know how to smoke or drink, but I don’t want my parent to be sad and angry with me later on. I respect them and I honor them by obeying what they are telling me not to do. Because we have a good relationship, by disobeying them it might cause a broken heart.  The same way with God, because we have a personal relationship with Him, we don’t want to sin that may hinder us in our relationship with God. And we love God.

Good relationship and loving our kids in not giving things and giving what they want. That’s not the right way to say we love. The right way is to give them more time, because love spells T.I.M.E. Spend more time and you get, you know your child as well.

4.       Good Time. The best time you spend for your children the greater is your influence to your kids. Spending good time does not mean to say you will do what you want with the kids, rather what the kid loves to do. You can I ask them what they like and make sure you are ready to ride on.  While making a good time with your children, make sure that you are talking and communicating with each other. Don’t give your children a lecture and enjoy the time you are together. This is time that you can observe your kids what he really like and loves to do. This is the moment that you can encourage them and teach them a good character and right manner as well.

5.       Praying in Public. You can show your compassion and love of Christ by showing to your kids that you can pray everywhere. We can do it while having a lunch or dinner in a restaurant or fast food. Praying before you eat might your children notice that praying in not only in your house. Praying before travelling also give a good and positive impact to your kids.

6.       Listen to your child. The more you listen to your children, the more you understand them. As we understand our children the more you will know how to influence your child positively.  While listening, it is important that we don’t interrupt, react and argue, but we need to interact with them.  Try to understand and stop scolding your children if he did something wrong. We have two ears and one mouth, so we need to listen more and less talk. Be a good listener.

Ask questions to draw them out. You need to draw question that's not answerable by yes or no. Give them your full attention when talking with them. Don’t be a multi-tasking like you are listening while you ironing clothes or washing dishes. You need to look in their eyes, this way you can listen and understand them fully. You can also notice if there’s an inconsistency of their stories. Then in that way you can ask your kids that he needs to tell the truth and you will no get angry. Because it’s better to tell the truth than let your kids to lie again and again.

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